Safety regulations for construction industry
What the law says about Physical strain
Physical strain (according to the law of 9th November 2010, reform of retirement, Work Code art L.4121 3 1) arises from « exposure of the employee, during his/her professional career, to one or more risk factors which may leave durable, identifiable and irreversible impact on health »
2015 Enforcement of physical strain account
The collective agreement of 20th December 2015 for prevention of physical strain and improvement of working conditions in the construction industry requires companies of more than 50 employees (in which 25% of personnel are exposed to physical strain) to take measures to reduce physical strain in the company and reduce exposure of employees to factors of physical strain.
Since January 2015 the physical strain account has come into force for four risk factors : repetitive work, night work, hyperbaric work and shift work.
It is available to all employees exposed to one or more factors which are converted into points and will enable employees to have early retirement, reduce their working hours, or benefit from occupational training in order to gain access to jobs which are less exposed or not exposed to factors of physical strain.
In 2016 the physical strain account is widened to take into account manual handling of loads, tiring postures, mechanical vibrations, dangerous chemical agents, extreme temperatures and noise.
Find out more about Physical strain account
Find out how Leborgne tools take into account physical strain